

Saddiki, H., Wray, S., & Li, D. 2024. LexiVault: A Repository for Psycholinguistic Lexicons of Lesser-studied Languages. In Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), pages 10459–10465, Torino, Italy. ELRA and ICCL.

Moitra, S., Chacon, D. A., & Stockall, L. (2024). How long is long? Word length effects in reading correspond to minimal graphemic units: An MEG study in Bangla. PLOS ONE19(4), e0292979.


Moitra, S., Chacon, D. A., & Stockall, L. (2023). How long is long? Word length effects in reading correspond to minimal graphemic units: An MEG study in Bangla. bioRxiv, 2023.2010.2004.560854.

Cayado, D., Wray, S. & Stockall, L. (2023) Does linear position matter for morphological processing? Evidence from a Tagalog masked priming experiment, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2023.2216813

Earlier publications of the research team that formed the basis for the SAVANT project:

Stockall, L., Manouilidou, C., Gwilliams, L., Neophytou, K., & Marantz, A. (2019). Prefix Stripping Re-Re-Revisited: MEG investigations of Morphological Decomposition and Recomposition. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1964. DOI:

Neophytou, K., Manouilidou, C., Stockall, L., and Marantz, A. (2018). Syntactic and semantic restrictions on morphological recomposition: MEG evidence from Greek. Brain and Language, 183:11-20. DOI: 10.1016/j.bandl.2018.05.003

Manouilidou, C., Dolenc, B., Marvin, T. & Z. Pirtosek (2016). Processing complex pseudo-words in Mild Cognitive Impairment: the interaction of preserved morphological rule knowledge with compromised cognitive ability. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 30(1): 49-67doi: 10.3109/02699206.2015.1102970 [pdf]

Manouilidou, C. and Stockall. L. (2014). Teasing apart Syntactic Category vs. Argument Structure Information in Deverbal Word Formation: a comparative psycholinguistic study. Italian Journal of Linguistics, 26:2.