A selected number of students from local schools were invited to join a funded Summer School program. The Summer School took place from the 25th to the 27th of July 2022 in the Mile End campus.
The schools that participated in 2022:
City of London Academy (Islington)
After a school visit by the SAVANT team, students interested in the summer school were asked to complete an application form:
Interested students needed the support of a teacher who was asked to complete a separate application form:
Successful Year 12 students received a personal university mentor for the duration of the project, visited QMUL for a personal tour and academic advice session with their mentor, received support with drafting their UCAS person statement and application, and submitted their work as part of their English Language NEA.
The school visits took place in June of 2022 and the Summer School will took place during the summer holidays (25-27 July).
All costs for the workshop, mentoring and Summer School were covered in the interest of equitable access to university for all.
The attached flyer includes additional details, but please feel free to get in touch at savant@qmul.ac.uk if you have any questions!